Join us for a COMPLIMENTARY seminar on How Naturopathic Medicine Can Help You Get a Restful Sleep!

Date: Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Time: 7:00-8:00pm
Where: Go Naturopathic Health at Wellington Chiropractic and Wellness Group
12 Waterloo. Ave.
Guelph, ON N1H 3H3

*Free snacks and beverages will be served!*
All are welcome! Reserve your spot by calling the clinic 519-822-4215. Limited space available.

Dr. Go, Naturopathic Doctor, will educate you on:
-What Naturopathic Medicine is and how it can help you.
-Common reasons why people have trouble sleeping/insomnia and what you can do about it.
-Natural and simple ways to help improve your sleep quality.

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